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1.     BREWERTON TD, Reus VI:  Lithium Carbonate and L-tryptophan in the Treatment of Bipolar and Schizoaffective Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry 140:757-760, 1983.

2.     Joseph MS, BREWERTON TD, Reus VI, Stebbins GT: Plasma L-tryptophan/Neutral Amino Acid Ratio and Dexamethasone Suppression in Depression.  Psychiatry Research 11:185-192, 1984.

3.     BREWERTON TD:  Lithium Counteracts Carbamazepine-Induced Leucopenia While Increasing Its Therapeutic Effect.  Biological Psychiatry 21:677-685, 1986.

4.     George DT, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC:  Comparison of Lactate-Induced Anxiety in Bulimic Patients and Healthy Controls.  Psychiatry Research 21:213-220, 1987.

5.     BREWERTON TD, Gwirtsman HE:  Seasonal Dexamethasone Suppression Test Results.  Archives of General Psychiatry 44:920-921, 1987.

6.     Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, BREWERTON TD, George DT, Jimerson DC, and Wurtman RJ:  Bingeing Behavior and Plasma Amino Acids:  A Possible Involvement of Brain Serotonin in Bulimia.  Psychiatry Research 23:31-43, 1988.

7.     BREWERTON TD, Berrettini W, Nurnburger J, Linnoila M:  An Analysis of Seasonal Fluctuations of CSF Monoamines and Neuropeptides in Normal Controls:  Findings with 5‑HIAA and HVA.  Psychiatry Research 23:257-265, 1988.

8.     BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Mueller EA, and Jimerson DC:  The Induction of Migraine-like Headaches by the Serotonin Agonist m-Chlorophenylpiperazine.  Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 43:605-609, 1988.

9.     BREWERTON TD:  Seasonal Variation of Serotonin Function in Humans:  Research and Clinical Implications (Runner-Up, American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists' Clinical Research Award).  Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 1:153-164, 1989. Doi: 10.3109/10401238909149974.

10.    George MS, BREWERTON TD, Cochrane CE:  Trichotillomania, Trichophagy and Bulimia Nervosa.  New England Journal of Medicine 322:470-471, 1990.

11.    Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Kaye WH, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders and Depression:  Is There a Serotonin Connection?  Biological Psychiatry 28:443-454, 1990.

12.    Demitrack MA, Putnam FW, BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Gold PW:  Dissociative Phenomena in Eating Disorders:  Relationship to Clinical Variables.  American Journal of Psychiatry 147:1184-1188, 1990.

13.    George DT, Kaye WH, Goldstein DS, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC:  Altered Norepinephrine Regulation in Bulimia:  Effects of Pharmacological Challenge with Isoproterenol.  Psychiatry Research 33:1-10, 1990.

14.    BREWERTON TD, George MS:  A Study of the Seasonal Variation of Migraine.  Headache 30:511-513, 1990.

15.    BREWERTON TD:  Fluoxetine-induced Suicidality, Serotonin, and Seasonality.  Biological Psychiatry 30:190-196, 1991.

16.    BREWERTON TD:  Does Fluoxetine Induce Suicidality?  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 52:479, 1991.


17.    Hardin TA, Wehr TA, BREWERTON TD, Kasper S, Berrettini W, Rabkin J, Rosenthal NE:  Evaluation of Seasonality in Six Clinical Populations and Two Normal Populations.  Journal of Psychiatric Research 25: 75-87, 1991.

18.    Jimerson DC, Lesem DT, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TD:  Low Serotonin and Dopamine Metabolite Concentrations in CSF from Bulimic Patients with Frequent Binge Episodes.  Archives of General Psychiatry 49:132-138, 1992.

19.    Kellner CH, George MS, Burns CM, Bernstein HJ, Rubey RN, Custer J, BREWERTON TD:  A Human Analog of Canine Acral Lick.  Lancet 339:553, 1992.

20.    BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Lesem DT, Brandt HA, Jimerson DC:  Headache Responses to m-Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in Bulimia Nervosa.  Headache 32:217-222, 1992.

21.    Deas-Nesmith D, BREWERTON TD:  A Case of Fluoxetine-Responsive Psychogenic Polydipsia:  A Variant of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 180:338-339, 1992.

22.    BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Laraia MT, Shook J, Ballenger JC:  CSF Beta-endorphin and Dynorphin in Bulimia Nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry 149:1086-1090, 1992.

23.    BREWERTON TD:  Serotonin Function and Depression:  Effects of Seasonality?  American Journal of Psychiatry 149:1277, 1992.

24.    BREWERTON TD, Shannon M:  Possible Clozapine Exacerbation of Bulimia Nervosa.  American Journal of Psychiatry 149:1408-1409, 1992.

25.    BREWERTON TD, Mueller EA, Lesem MD, Brandt HA, Quearry B, George DT, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:  Neuroendocrine Responses to m-Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in Bulimia.  Archives of General Psychiatry 49:852-861, 1992.

26.    BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Ballenger JC, Herzog DB:  Eating Disorders and Social Phobia. Archives of General Psychiatry 50:70, 1993.

27.    BREWERTON TD, George MS, Harden RN:  Migraine and the Eating Disorders.  Psychiatry Research 46:201-202, 1993.

28.    BREWERTON TD, Flament M, Rapoport JL, Murphy DM:  Seasonal Variation of Platelet 5‑HT Content.  Archives of General Psychiatry 50:409, 1993.

29.    Childress AC, BREWERTON TD, Hodges EL, Jarrell MP:  The Kids' Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS):  Results from a Survey of Middle School Students.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 32:843-850, 1993.

30.    Lydiard RB, BREWERTON TD, Beinfeld M, Laraia MT, Stuart G, Ballenger JC:  CSF Cholecystokinin Octapeptide in Bulimia Nervosa.  American Journal of Psychiatry 150:1099-1101, 1993.

31.    BREWERTON TD, George MS:  Is Migraine Related to the Eating Disorders?  International Journal of Eating Disorders 14:75-79, 1993.

32.    Murray S, BREWERTON TD:  Abuse of Over-the-counter Dextromethorphan by Teenagers.  Southern Medical Journal 86:1151-1153, 1993.

33.    BREWERTON TD, Hand JD, Bishop EM:  The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire in Patients with Eating Disorders.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 14:213-218, 1993.

34.    Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD, Hodges EL, Wilson D:  Alexithymia in the Eating Disorders.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 14:219-222, 1993.

35.    Childress AC, Jarrell MP, BREWERTON TD:  The Kids' Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS):  Internal Consistency, Test-Retest Validity and Reliability.  Eating Disorders: the Journal of Prevention and Treatment 1:123-133, 1993.

36.    George MS, BREWERTON TD, Harden RN:  Bulimia Nervosa in Outpatients with Migraine: A Pilot Study.  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 181:704-706, 1993.

37.    BREWERTON TD, Krahn DD, Hardin TA, Wehr TA, Rosenthal NE:  Findings from the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) in Patients with Eating Disorders and Control Subjects:  Effects of Diagnosis and Location.  Psychiatry Research 52:71-84, 1994.

38.    BREWERTON TD, Ballenger JC:  Biological Correlates of Eating Disorders.  Current Opinion in Psychiatry 7:150-153, 1994.

39.    BREWERTON TD:  Hyperreligiosity in Psychotic Disorders.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 182:302-304, 1994.

40.    BREWERTON TD, Jackson CW:  Prophylaxis of Carbamazepine Induced Hyponatremia with Demeclocycline.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 55:249-251, 1994.

41.    BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB:  CSF Cholecystokinin Octapeptide in Bulimia.  American Journal of Psychiatry 151:1098, 1994.

42.    BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:  Testmeal Responses Following m-Chlorophenylpiperazine and L-tryptophan in Bulimics and Controls.  Neuropsychopharmacology 11:63-71, 1994.

43.    BREWERTON TD, Lydiard RB, Herzog DB, Brotman A, O'Neil P, Ballenger JC:  Comorbidity of Axis I Psychiatric Disorders in Bulimia Nervosa.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 56:77-80, 1995.

44.    BREWERTON TD, Zealberg JL, Lydiard RB, Glover V, Sandler M, Ballenger JC:  CSF Isatin is Elevated in Bulimia Nervosa.  Biological Psychiatry 37:481-483, 1995.

45.    BREWERTON TD, Stellefson E, Hibbs N, Cochrane CE, Hodges E:  A Comparison of Eating Disorder Patients with and without Compulsive Exercising.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 17:413-416, 1995.

46.    Jackson C, Markowitz J, BREWERTON TD:  Delirium Associated with Clozapine and Benzodiazepine Combinations.  Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 7:139-141, 1995.

47.    World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Neurosciences Study Group on Anorexia Nervosa (Bolis CL, Abraham G, Araki S, Brambilla F, BREWERTON TD, Casper R, Halmi K, Herholz K, Kaye W, Kuboki T, Magistretti P, Muller E, N'Diaye P, Pirke K, Suematsu H, Thomas PK, Wakeling T, Zhou D):  Anorexia Nervosa:  Basic Mechanisms, Clinical Approaches and Treatment:  Summary and Recommendations.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 17:235-241, 1995.

48.    BREWERTON TD:  Toward a Unified Theory of Serotonin Dysregulation in Eating and Related Disorders.  Psychoneuroendocrinology 20:561-590, 1995.

49.    BREWERTON TD, Markowitz JS, Keller SG, Cochrane CE:  Stuttering and sertraline. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 57:90, 1996.

50.    BREWERTON TD:  Victimization, PTSD, and Bulimia Nervosa:  Results from the National Women's Study.  Audio-Digest Psychiatry Volume 24, Number 2, January 22, 1996.

51.    BREWERTON TD (Editorial Review Panelist).  Anorexia and Bulimia at Time of Diagnosis.  Brownell KD (Principal Editor), Time-Life Medical video, Patient Education Media, Inc., Volume 213, 1996.

52.    Markowitz JS, BREWERTON TD:  Zolpidem-Induced Psychosis.  Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 8:89-91, 1996.

53.    BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC:  Studies of Serotonin Function in Anorexia Nervosa.  Proceedings of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Neurosciences Study Group on Anorexia Nervosa.  Geneva, Switzerland; September 1993.  Psychiatry Research 62:31-42, 1996.

54.    LaVia MC, BREWERTON TD:  Cataplexy and the Switch Process of MPD.  Psychiatry Research 63:233-234, 1996.

55.    Markowitz JS, Gill HS, LaVia M, BREWERTON TD, DeVane CL:  Fluvoxamine-Clozapine Dose Dependent Interaction.  Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 41:670-671, 1996.

56.    Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG:  The National Women's Study:  Relationship of Crime Victimization and PTSD to Bulimia Nervosa.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 21:213-228, 1997.

57.    BREWERTON TD:  The Phenomenology of Psychosis Associated with Complex Partial Seizure Disorder.  Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 9:31-51, 1997.

58.    BREWERTON TD:  Binge Eating Disorder:  Recognition and Treatment.  Medscape Mental Health 2(5), 1997.

59.    Mantzoros C, Flier JS, Lesem MD, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC:  Relationship between Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Leptin Levels in Healthy Volunteers and in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa.  Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 82:1845-1851, 1997.

60.    Wonderlich SA, BREWERTON TD, Jocic Z, Dansky BS, Abbott DW:  The Relationship of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders:  A Review.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 36:1107-1115, 1997.

61.    Hodges EL, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD:  Family Characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder Patients.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 23:145-151, 1998.

62.    Cochrane CE, Malcolm R, BREWERTON TD:  The Role of Weight Control as a Motivation for Cocaine Abuse.  Addictive Disorders 23:1-7, 1998.

63.    Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil P, Resnick HS, Best CL, Saunders BE:  The Nature and Prevalence of Binge Eating Disorder in a National Sample of Women.  In Widiger TA, Frances AJ, Pincus HA, First MB, Roth R, and David W (Eds.), DSM‑IV Sourcebook, Volume 4, Washington:  APA Press, Inc., pp. 515-531, 1998.

64.    Jefferson AM, Markowitz JS, BREWERTON TD:  Atypical Antipsychotics.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 37:1243-1244, 1998.

65.    BREWERTON TD:  Binge Eating Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment Options. CNS Drugs 11:351-361, 1999.

66.    Hodges EL, Stellefson EJ, Jarrell MP, Cochrane CE, BREWERTON TD:  Eating Disorder Pathology in a Culinary Arts School.  Eating Disorders:  The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 7:43-50, 1999. Doi: 10.1080/10640269908249277.

67.    Expert Consensus Guidelines for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (panel member).  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60(Suppl 16):6-76, 1999.

68.    Dansky BS, BREWERTON TD, Kilpatrick DG:  Comorbidity of Bulimia Nervosa and Alcohol Use Disorders:  Results from the National Women's Study.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 27:180-190, 2000. 

69.    Brady K, Killeen TK, BREWERTON TD, Sylverini S:  Comorbidity of Psychiatric Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.  Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 61(Suppl 7):22-32, 2000.

70.    Mitchell JE, Tareen B, Sheehan W, Agras S, BREWERTON TD, Crow S, Devlin M, Eckert E, Halmi K, Herzog D, Marcus M, Powers P, Stunkard A, Walsh BT:  Establishing Guidelines for Pharmacotherapy Trials in Bulimia Nervous and Anorexia Nervosa.  International Journal of Eating Disorders 28:1-7, 2000.

71.    BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM:  Which Comes First in the Pathogenesis of Bulimia Nervosa, Dieting or Bingeing?  International Journal of Eating Disorders 28:259-264, 2000.

72.    BREWERTON TD, Lesem MD, Kennedy A, Garvey T:  Reduced Plasma Leptin Levels in Bulimia Nervosa.  Psychoneuroendrinology 25:649-658, 2000.

73.    BREWERTON TD:  Serotonin, Aggression and Seasonality.  American Journal of Psychiatry 158(8):1335-1336, 2001.

74.    BREWERTON TD: The Use and Scoring of the Kids’ Eating Disorders Survey (KEDS).  Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 9(1):71-74, 2001.

75.    BREWERTON TD: Bulimia in Children and Adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America 11:237-256, 2002.

76.    BREWERTON TD: Drug Therapy for Patients with Eating Disorders. Psychiatric Times XXI (5): 59-68, 2004.

77.    BREWERTON TD: Psychological Trauma and Eating Disorders. Review of Eating Disorders, Part 1, 1:137-154, 2005.

78.    BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Trauma and Comorbidity: Focus on PTSD. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 15:285-304, 2007.

79.    BREWERTON TD: The Links between PTSD and Eating Disorders: Diagnostic and Treatment Implications. Psychiatric Times XXV (6): 43-45, 2008.

80.    BREWERTON TD, Frampton I, Lask B: The Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa. In: U.S. Psychiatry 2:57-64, 2009.

81.    BREWERTON TD: Services for Eating Disorders: How Comprehensive is Comprehensive? World Psychiatry 8:160-162, 2009.

82.    Shuman NK, Krug I, Pinheiro AP, BREWERTON TD, Thornton LM, Berrettini WH, Brandt H, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Keel Pamela K, LaVia MC, Mitchell J, Rotondo A, Strober M, Woodside DB, Kaye WH, Bulik CM: Is Season of Birth Related to Disordered Eating and Personality in Women with Eating Disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders 15:e186-189, 2010.


83.    BREWERTON TD, Costin C: Treatment Results of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in a Residential Treatment Program. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 19:117-131, 2011. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2011.551629.


84.    BREWERTON TD, Costin C: Long-term Outcome of Residential Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 19:132-144, 2011. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2011.551632.

85.    BREWERTON TD: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Disordered Eating: Food Addiction as Self-Medication (Editorial). Journal of Women’s Health 20(8): 1133-1134, 2011.

86.    BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG:  Seasonal Patterns of Birth for Subjects with Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating, and Purging: Results from the National Women's Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders 45:131-134, 2012. doi: 10.1002/eat.22309.

87.    BREWERTON TD, Eyerman JE, Cappeta P, Mithoefer MC: Long-term Abstinence following Holotropic Breathwork as Adjunctive Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and Related Psychiatric Comorbidity. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 10:453–459, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s11469-011-9352-3.

88.    Mitchell K, Mazzeo SE, Schlesinger MR, BREWERTON TD, Smith BR: Comorbidity of Partial and Subthreshold PTSD among Men and Women with Eating Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders 45:307–315, 2012. doi:  10.1002/eat.20965.

89.    BREWERTON TD: Anti-psychotic Agents in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa: Neuropsychopharmacologic Rationale and Evidence from Controlled Trials. Current Psychiatry Reports 14:398–405, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s11920-012-0287-6.

90.    Mithoefer MC, Wagner MT, Mithoefer AT, Jerome I, Martin S, Yazar-Klosinski BB, Michel Y, BREWERTON TD, & Doblin R: Durability of Improvement in PTSD Symptoms and Absence of Harmful Effects or Drug Dependency after MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy: A Prospective Long-Term Follow-up Study. Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(1) 28-39, 2013. doi: 10.1177/0269881112456611. 

91.    BREWERTON TD, Rance SJ, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG:  A Comparison of Women with Child-Adolescent Versus Adult Onset Binge Eating: Results from the National Women’s Study. International Journal of Eating Disorders 47(7): 836-843, 2014. doi: 10.1002/eat.22309.

92.    BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG:  The Number of Divergent Purging Behaviors Is Associated with Histories of Trauma, PTSD and Comorbidity in a National Sample of Women. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 23(5): 422-429, 2015. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2015.1013394.

93.    Killeen TK, BREWERTON TD, Campbell A, Cohen L, Hien D: Exploring the Relationship between Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire Subscale Scores and Substance Use Severity in Women with Comorbid PTSD and Substance Use Disorders. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 41(6):547-552, 2015. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1080263

94.    Cunningham HE, Pearman S, BREWERTON TD: Conceptualizing Primary and Secondary Pathological Exercise Using Available Measures of Excessive Exercise. International Journal of Eating Disorders 49(8):778-792, 2016. doi: 10.1002/eat.22551.

95.    BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, O'Neil PM, Kilpatrick DG:  Extreme Obesity and its Associations with Victimization, PTSD, Major Depression and Eating Disorders in a National Sample of Women. The Journal of Obesity and Eating Disorders (published online 21 Nov 2015). doi: 10.4172/2471-8203.100010.

96.    BREWERTON TD, Anderson O: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Masquerading as an Eating Disorder. International Journal of Eating Disorders 49:826-829, 2016. doi: 10.1002/eat.22515.

97.    Mithoefer MC, Grob CS, BREWERTON TD: Novel Psychopharmacological Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders: Psilocybin and MDMA. Lancet Psychiatry 3(5):481–488, 2016. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00576-3.

98.    BREWERTON TD, Duncan AE: Associations between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Eating Disorders by Gender: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication European Eating Disorders Review 24(6):536-540, 2016. doi: 10.1002/erv.2468

99.    Molendijk ML, Hoek HW, BREWERTON TD, Elzinga BM: Childhood maltreatment and eating disorder pathology: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 47(8):1402-1416, 2017. doi: 10.1017/S0033291716003561.

100.   Wiss, DA, BREWERTON TD: Incorporating Food Addiction into Disordered Eating: The Disordered Eating Food Addiction Nutrition Guide. Eating and Weight Disorders 22(1):49-59, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40519-016-0344-y.

101.   BREWERTON TD: Food Addiction as a Proxy for Eating Disorder and Obesity Severity, Trauma History, PTSD Symptoms and Comorbidity. Eating and Weight Disorders 22(2):241-247, 2017.doi 10.1007/s4051-016-0355-8.  Published online April 1, 2017.

102.   BREWERTON TD, D’Agostino, M. Adjunctive Use of Olanzapine in the Treatment of Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) in Children and Adolescents in an Eating Disorders Program. Journal of Child Adolescent Psychopharmacology 27(10):920-922, 2017. doi: 10.1089/cap.2017.0133 Published online October 29, 2017.

103.   Ziobrowski H, BREWERTON TD, Duncan AE: Associations between ADHD and Eating Disorders in Relation to Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in a Nationally Representative Sample. Psychiatry Research 260: 53-59, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.11.026.

104.   BREWERTON TD, Putnam KT, Lewine RJ, Risch SC: Seasonality of Cerebrospinal Fluid Monoamine Metabolite Concentrations and Their Associations with Meteorological Variables in Humans. Journal of Psychiatric Research 99:76-82, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.01.004

105.   Cunningham HE, BREWERTON TD: Too Much of a Good Thing: Could Your Patient Have Pathological Exercise? JAACAP Connect, 5(1):15-19, Winter 2018.

106.   BREWERTON TD, Cotton BD, Kilpatrick DG. Sensation Seeking, Eating Disorders and Victimization in the National Women's Study. Eating Behaviors 2018; 30:120-124 (published online July 2018). doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2018.07.001.


107.   BREWERTON TD. An Overview of Trauma-Informed Care and Practice for Eating Disorders. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment and Trauma 2019; 28(4):445-462 (published online October 2018). doi: 10.1080/10926771.2018.1532940


108.   BREWERTON TD, Alexander J, Schaefer J. Trauma Informed Care and Practice for Eating Disorders: Personal and Professional Perspectives of Lived Experiences. Eating and Weight Disorders 2019; 24(2):329-338, (published online December 2018). doi: 10.1007/s40519-018-0628-5


109.   Wiss D, BREWERTON TD: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Obesity: Systematic Review of Plausible Mechanisms and Meta-Analysis of Cross-Sectional Studies. Physiology & Behavior 2020; 223(Sept 1):112964 (published online May 29, 2020). doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112964


110.   BREWERTON TD, Ralston E, Dean M, Hand S, Hand L: Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors in Allegedly Maltreated Children and Adolescents Receiving Forensic Evaluation in a Child Advocacy Center. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 2020; 29:769-787 (published online August 31, 2020). doi: 10.1080/10538712.2020.1809047


111.   BREWERTON TD: Psychopharmacological Management of Eating Disorders. Audio-Digest Psychiatry 49:17 (September 7) 2020.


112.   Wiss D, BREWERTON TD: Separating the Signal from the Noise: How Psychiatric Diagnoses Can Help Discern Food Addiction from Dietary Restraint.” Nutrients 2020; 12(10): 2937 (published online September 2020 in Special Issue: Clinical Utility of Food Addiction and Eating Addiction). Doi: 10.3390/nu12102937


113.   BREWERTON TD, Perlman MM, Gavidia I, Suro G, Genet JJ, Bunnell D: The Association of Traumatic Events and PTSD Severity of Eating Disorders and Comorbid Symptoms in Residential Treatment Centers. International Journal of Eating Disorders 2020; 53:2061-2066 (published online November 7, 2020). Doi: 10.1002/eat.23401.


114.   BREWERTON TD, Lafrance A, Mithoefer MC: The Potential Use of N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA) Assisted Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders Comorbid with PTSD. Medical Hypotheses 2021; 146(Jan):110367 (published online November 9, 2020). Doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.110367.


115.   Hazzard VM, Crosby RD, Crow SJ, Engel SC, Schaefer LM, BREWERTON TD, Castellini G, Trottier K, Peterson CB, Wonderlich SA: Treatment outcomes of psychotherapy for binge-eating disorder: Examining the roles of childhood abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder. European Eating Disorders Review 2021; 29(4):611-621 (published online October 20, 2020). Doi: 10.1002/erv.2823.


116.   BREWERTON TD, Suro G, Gavidia I, Perlman MM: Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals Report Higher Rates of Lifetime Traumas and Current PTSD Than Cisgender Heterosexual Individuals Admitted to Residential Eating Disorder Treatment. Eating and Weight Disorders 2022; 27(2): 813-820 (published online May 31, 2021). Doi: 10.1007/s40519-021-01222-4.


117.   Wiss D, BREWERTON TD, Tomiyama AJ: Limitations of the Protective Measure Theory in Explaining the Role of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Eating Disorders, Addictions, and Obesity: An Updated Model with Emphasis on Biological Embedding. Eating and Weight Disorders 2022; 27(4): 1249-1267 (published online 9/4/2021). Doi: 10.1007/s40519-021-01293-3.


118.   BREWERTON TD, Gavidia I, Suro G, Genet JJ, Perlman MM, Bunnell D: Provisional PTSD Is Associated with Greater Eating Disorder and Comorbid Symptom Severity in Adolescents Treated in Residential Care. European Eating Disorders Review 2021; 29(6): 910-923 (published online September 16, 2021). Doi: 10.1002/erv.2864.


119.   BREWERTON TD, Suro G, Gavidia I, Perlman MM: Eating Disorder Onset During Childhood Is Associated with Higher Trauma Dose, Provisional PTSD, and Severity of Illness in Residential Treatment. European Eating Disorders Review 2022; 30(3): 267-277 (published online February 26, 2022). Doi: 10.1002/erv.2892.


120.   BREWERTON TD, Wang JB, Lafrance A, Pamplin C, Mithoefer M, Yazar-Klosinki B, Emerson A, Doblin R: MDMA-Assisted Therapy Significantly Reduces Eating Disorder Symptoms in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Adults with Severe PTSD. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2022; 149:128-135. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.03.008.

121.   BREWERTON TD, Perlman MM, Gavidia I, Suro G, Jahraus J: Headache, Eating Disorders, PTSD, and Comorbidity: Implications for Assessment and Treatment. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 2022; 27(7): 2693-2700 (published online May 23, 2022). Doi: 10.1007/s40519-022-01414-6.


122.     Killeen TK, BREWERTON TD:  Women with PTSD and Substance Use Disorders in a Research Treatment Study: A Comparison of Those with and without the Dissociative Subtype of PTSD. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2022; pp. 1-12. Published online October 20, 2022. Doi: 10.1080/15299732.2022.2136327. 

123.     BREWERTON TD: Mechanisms By Which Adverse Childhood Experiences, Other Traumas and PTSD Influence The Health And Well-Being Of Individuals With Eating Disorders Throughout The Life Span. Journal of Eating Disorders 2022; 10:162, pp. 1-20. Published online November 14, 2022. Doi: 10.1186/s40337-022-00696-6.


124.      BREWERTON TD, Suro G, Gavidia I, Perlman MM: Eating Disorder Patients with and without PTSD Treated in Residential Care: Discharge and 6-Month Follow-Up Results. Journal of Eating Disorders 2023; Published online March 27, 2023. Doi: 10.1186/s40337-023-00773-4.


125.      BREWERTON TD: The Integrated Treatment of Eating Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Psychiatric Comorbidity: A Commentary on the Evolution of Principles and Guidelines. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023; Published online May 12, 2023. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1149433.


126.      BREWERTON TD: History of Abuse Is Not Predictive of Eating Disorders with Binge Eating Episodes (But PTSD Is). Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 2013; 48: 5 (September-October), pp. E367-E368. Doi: 10.1503/jpn.230064.


127.      BREWERTON TD, Gavidia I, Suro G, Perlman MM: Associations Between Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders and Eating Disorder, PTSD, and Comorbid Symptom Severity in Eating Disorder Patients. European Eating Disorders Review 2023; Published online October 3, 2023. Doi: 10.1002/erv.3035.


128.      Gearhart M, BREWERTON TD: Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures Associated with An Eating Disorder and PTSD Are Responsive to Cognitive Processing Therapy: A Case Report. Case Reports in Psychiatry 2023; Article ID 5539951; pp. 1-7. Doi: 10.1155/2023/5539951.


129.      BREWERTON TD, Perlman MM, Gavidia I, Suro G: The Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder in An Eating Disorder Residential Treatment Setting. International Journal of Eating Disorders (In press) Doi: 10.1002/eat.24106.


130.      BREWERTON TD, Kopland MC, Gavidia I, Suro G, Perlman MM: A Network Analysis of Eating Disorder, PTSD, Major Depression, State-Trait Anxiety and Quality of Life Measures in Eating Disorder Patients Treated in Residential Care. Psychological Medicine (In preparation).


131.      Olofsson ME, Vrabel KR, Kopland MC, Eielsen HP, Oddli HW, BREWERTON TD:  Patient and Therapist Contributions to Treatment Integration for Eating Disorders with Childhood Sequelae: A Conceptual Paper (in preparation).


1.         BREWERTON TD:  The "DIVINE M.D. TEST":  A Mnemonic Method of Memorizing Medical Mechanisms Manifesting Mentally.  Resident and Staff Physician 31(10):146-148, 1985.


2.         Jimerson DC, BREWERTON TD, George DT, Gwirtsman HE, Goldstein DS, Kaye WH:  Neurotransmitter Function and Symptom Profiles in Bulimia. In Biological Psychiatry 1985, Shagass C, Josiassen R, Bridger WH, Weiss KJ, Stoff D, and Simpson GM (Eds), from the Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA., September 8‑14, 1985.


3.         BREWERTON TD, Heffernan MM, Rosenthal NE:  Psychiatric Aspects of the Relationship between Eating and Mood. Nutrition Reviews 44(Suppl):78-88, 1986.


4.         Jimerson DC, George DT, BREWERTON TD, Kaye WH:  Anxiety in Bulimic Disorder:  Behavioral Responses to Lactate and Isoproterenol Infusions.  In Ferrari E and Brambilla F (Eds):  Disorders of Eating Behavior.  New York:  Pergamon Press, 1986.


5.         Jimerson DC, George DT, Kaye WH, BREWERTON TD, Goldstein DS:  Norepinephrine Regulation in Bulimia.  In Hudson JI and Pope HG (Eds):  Psychobiology of Bulimia.  Washington, DC:  American Psychiatric Press, pp. 145-156, 1987.


6.         Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, BREWERTON TD, George TD, Jimerson DC, Ebert MH:  Serotonin Regulation in Bulimia. In Hudson JI and Pope HG (Eds): Psychobiology of Bulimia. Washington, DC:  American Psychiatric Press, pp. 157-174, 1987.


7.         Jimerson DC, Brandt HA, BREWERTON TD: Evidence for Altered Serotonin Function in Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa: Behavioral Implications.  In Pirke KM, Vandereychen W, and Ploog D (Eds):  The Psychobiology of Bulimia Nervosa.  Berlin:  Springer-Verlag, pp. 83-89, 1988.


8.         Kaye WH, Gwirtsman HE, George DT, Obarzanek E, BREWERTON TD, Jimerson DC, Ebert MH:  Altered Feeding Behavior in Bulimia:  Is It Related to Mood and Serotonin?  In Walsh T (Ed):  Eating Behavior in Eating Disorders.  Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 199-216, 1988.


9.         BREWERTON TD, Kramlinger KG, Post RM:  Combination Therapy with Lithium and Carbamazepine.  In Birch NJ (Ed):  Lithium:  Inorganic Pharmacology and Psychiatric Use.  Oxford:  IRL Press, pp. 57-60, 1988.


10.        BREWERTON TD, Mueller EA, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Hegg A, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:  Dysregulation of 5‑HT Function in Bulimia Nervosa.  In The Psychobiology of Human Eating Disorders.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 575:500-502, 1989.


11.        BREWERTON TD, Brandt HA, Lesem MD, Murphy DL, Jimerson DC:  Serotonin in Eating Disorders.  In Coccaro EF, Murphy DL (Eds), Serotonin in Major Psychiatric Disorders.  Progress in Psychiatry Monograph Series, Spiegel D (Ed).  Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, pp. 153-184, 1990.


12.        Jimerson DC, Lesem MD, Hegg AP, BREWERTON TD:  Serotonin and Human Eating Disorders. In The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 600:532-544, 1990.


13.        BREWERTON TD, Murphy DL, Lesem DT, Brandt HA, Jimerson DC:  Serotonin Dysregulation in Bulimia Nervosa:  Neuroendocrine and Headache Responses.  In Van Praag H, Brown S (Eds), The Role of Serotonin in Psychiatric Disorders.  Einstein Monograph Series, NY, NY: Brunner/Mazel, pp 239-259, 1990.


14.        BREWERTON TD:  Circannual Cyclicity of 5‑HT and Suicide.  In Holick MF, Kligman AM (Eds) The Biologic Effects of Light:  Proceedings of a Symposium.  NY, NY: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 213-218, 1992.


15.        BREWERTON TD:  The Secrets of the Brain.  Clinical Quorum, pp.  1-7, Spring 1993.


16.        BREWERTON TD:  Studies of Serotonin Function in the Eating Disorders.  In Primary and Secondary Eating Disorders:  A Psychoneuroendocrine and Metabolic Approach.  Advances in the Biosciences, Volume 90.  Ferrari E, Brambilla F, Solerte SB (Eds.).  New York:  Pergamon, pp. 49-58, 1993.


17.        BREWERTON TD (editor):  Broccoli or Brownies:  Building Healthy Eating Behaviors in Children.  Flintstones Vitamins/Miles, Inc., 1994.


18.        BREWERTON TD:  Sexual and Physical Assault Are Risk Factors for Bulimia Nervosa.  Newsletter of the National Eating Disorders Organization, October, 1994.


19.        BREWERTON TD:  Questions and Answers.  Eating Disorders:  The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 2:363, 1994.


20.        BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS:  Victimization, PTSD, and Bulimia Nervosa.  Eating Disorders Review, New York, NY:  Raven Press, March/April, 1995.


21.        BREWERTON TD:  Questions and Answers.  Eating Disorders:  The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 3:77-78, 1995.


22.        BREWERTON TD:  Questions and Answers.  Eating Disorders:  The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 3:268-269, 1995.


23.        Costin C, BREWERTON TD:  The Psychiatrist's Role and Medication.  In:  The Eating Disorder Sourcebook (Costin C), RGA Lowell House, pp. 193-203, 1996.


24.        BREWERTON TD:  Eating Disorders Program: Clinical.  In: MUSC Psychiatry News, Volume 1, Number 8, February 1998, p. 2.


25.        BREWERTON TD, Dansky BS, Kilpatrick DG, O'Neil PM:  Bulimia Nervosa, PTSD and "Forgetting":  Results from the National Women's Study.  In: Trauma and Memory.  Williams LM, Banyard VL (Eds).  Durham:  Sage Publications, 1999, pp. 127-138.


26.        BREWERTON TD: Transmitter Systems in the Eating Disorders. In D’haenen H, den Boer JA, Westenberg H, Willner P (Eds.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. New York: Wiley, 2002, pp. 1127-1134.


27.        BREWERTON TD: The Problem of Classification and Comorbidity: Relationship to Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (commentary). In: Eating Disorders, Maj M, Halmi K., Lopez-Ibor J.J., and Sartorius N. (Eds). Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry series (Volume 6), World Health Organization, Chichester: Wiley, 2003, pp. 40-43.


28.        BREWERTON TD: 9th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 13(1):73-78, 2004.


29.        BREWERTON TD, Steiger H: Neurotransmitter Dysregulation In Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. In: BREWERTON TD (Ed.), Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004, pp. 257-281.


30.        BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Victimization and PTSD: Principles of Treatment. In BREWERTON TD (Ed.), Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004, pp. 509-545.


31.        BREWERTON TD: Academy of Eating Disorders International Conference. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 13(7):1-3, 2004.


32.        BREWERTON TD: Comorbid Anxiety and Depression and the Role of Trauma in Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders.  In Jaffa, T., and McDermott, B. (Eds.) Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 158-168.


33.        BREWERTON TD: The Role of Traumatic Experiences in Eating Disorders. Eating Disorders Today, Winter, 2006.


34.        BREWERTON TD, Costin C: The Psychiatrist's Role and Medication.  In: The Eating Disorder Sourcebook (Third Edition) (Costin C), RGA Lowell House, 2006.


35.        BREWERTON TD: Psychobiological Perspectives on Feminism in Eating Disorders. In: The Renfrew Perspective, July 2006.


36.        BREWERTON TD: Overview of Evidence on the Underpinnings of Bulimia Nervosa. In: Fornari, V., and Dancyger, I. (Eds.), Evidence Based Treatments for Eating Disorders: Children, Adolescents and Adults, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 19-22, 2009.


37.        Ackard DM, BREWERTON TD: Comorbid Trauma and Eating Disorders: Treatment Considerations and Recommendations for a Vulnerable Population. In: Maine, M., Bunnell, D., McGilley, B. (Eds.), Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap, New York: Elsevier, pp. 251-267, 2010.


38.        BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders, Menstrual Irregularities and Oral Contraception. F.E.A.S.T. Online Newsletter, October Newsletter, September 27, 2010.


39.        BREWERTON TD: Stress and Trauma in Eating Disorders. National Eating Disorders Association Making Connections, p. 12, June 2013.


40.        BREWERTON TD: Are Eating Disorders Addictions? In: BREWERTON TD, Dennis, AB (Eds.), Eating Disorders, Addictions, and Substance Use Disorders: Research, Clinical and Treatment Aspects, Berlin: Springer, pp. 267-299, 2014.


41.        BREWERTON TD, Brady KT: The Role of Stress, Trauma and PTSD in Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, and Addictions. In: BREWERTON TD, Dennis, AB (Eds.), Eating Disorders, Addictions, and Substance Use Disorders: Research, Clinical and Treatment Aspects, Berlin: Springer, pp. 379-404, 2014.


42.        Dennis AB, Pryor T, BREWERTON TD: Integrated Treatment Principles and Strategies for Patients with Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorder, and Addictions. In: BREWERTON TD, Dennis, AB (Eds.), Eating Disorders, Addictions, and Substance Use Disorders: Research, Clinical and Treatment Aspects, Berlin: Springer, pp. 461-489, 2014.


43.        BREWERTON TD, Cook BJ, Berg KC, Wonderlich S: Overview of Evidence on the Underpinnings of Bulimia Nervosa. In: Fornari, V., and Dancyger, I. (Eds.), Evidence Based Treatments for Eating Disorders: Children, Adolescents and Adults (second edition), New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 21-56, 2014.


44.        BREWERTON TD: Stress, Trauma and Adversity as Risk Factors in the Development of Eating Disorders. In: Smolak, L., Levine, M. (Eds.), Wiley Handbook of Eating Disorders, New York: Guilford, PP. 445-460. 2015.


45.        BREWERTON TD, Dennis AB: Perpetuating Factors in Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa. In: Touyz, S., Le Grange, D., Lacey, H., Hay, P., (Eds.). Managing Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa: A Clinician’s Handbook. New York: Routledge, pp. 28-63, 2016.


46.        BREWERTON TD: Healthy Behaviors in Recovery: A Question of Balance. Moving toward Improvement, Not Perfection. 2016 Gurze/Salucore Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue, 2016.


47.        BREWERTON TD: Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Eating Disorders. National Eating Disorders website, 2016 (


48.        LaFrance A, Loizaga-Velder A, Fletcher J, BREWERTON TD: How the Amazonian tea ayahuasca affects mental health. Chacruna, July 12, 2017 (


49.        Trim JG, Galovski T, Wagner A, BREWERTON TD: Treating ED-PTSD Patients: A Synthesis of the Literature and New Treatment Directions. In: Anderson L, Murray S, Kaye W (Eds.) Handbook of Complex and Atypical Eating Disorders, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 40-59, 2017.


50.        Fassihi T, BREWERTON TD: The Research-Practice Committee on Obstacles for Clinicians Learning Evidence-Based Treatments. Academy of Eating Disorders Newsletter, The Forum, December 2017.


51.        BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders: Clinical, Research and Treatment Perspectives. CMEtoGO Psychiatry Volume 7, American Physician Institute 2018.


52.        BREWERTON TD: Research-Practice Update on The XXIIIrd Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society. Academy of Eating Disorders Newsletter, The Forum, March 9, 2019.


53.        BREWERTON TD: Food Addiction and Its Associations to Trauma, Severity of Illness and Comorbidity. In: Cottone P, Sabino V, Moore C, Koob GF (Eds.) Compulsive Eating Behavior and Food Addiction. Philadelphia: Elsevier, pp. 449-468.  


54.        BREWERTON TD, Trottier K, Trim J, Myers T, Wonderlich S: Integrating Evidence-Based Treatments for Eating Disorder Patients with Comorbid PTSD and Trauma-related Disorders. In: Tortolani CC, Goldschmidt AB, Le Grange D (Eds.) Adapting Evidence-Based Treatments for Eating Disorders for Novel Populations and Settings: A Practical Guide. New York: Routledge, pp. 216-237.


55.        Killeen TK, BREWERTON TD: Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders. In: Brady KT, Levin FR, Galanter M, Kleber HD (Eds.) American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Substance Use Disorders, Sixth Edition. Washington: Routledge (In press).


1.         Brewerton TD (Editor): Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach, New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004. Clinical Handbook of Eating Disorders: An Integrated Approach (Medical Psychiatry Series): 9780824748678: Medicine & Health Science Books @

2.         Brewerton TD, Dennis A (Editors): Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders and Addictions: Research, Clinical and Treatment Perspectives, Berlin: Springer, 2014. Eating Disorders, Addictions and... by Brewerton, Timothy D. (


1.         Brewerton TD: (13) Expert Perspective and Integrated Treatment of PTSD, Eating Disorders, and Comorbidity - YouTube

2.         Brewerton TD: (13) Trauma and Eating Disorders - YouTube

3.         Brewerton TD: (13) Treating Eating Disorders in Patients with Comorbid Substance Use Disorders - YouTube

4.         Brewerton TD: (13) Understanding and Treating Patients with Comorbid Eating Disorders and Substance Related Disorders 0 - YouTube

5.         Brewerton TD: (13) Food Junkies Podcast: Dr Timothy Brewerton, child psychiatrist on Eating Disorders and FA. 2022 - YouTube

6.         Brewerton TD: (13) The Role Of Trauma & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder In Eating Disorders, Food Addiction, & Obesity - YouTube

7.         Brewerton TD: (13) Timothy Brewerton, M.D., discusses the Role of Trauma and PTSD in Eating and Related Disorders - YouTube

8.         Brewerton TD: (13) The Three E's of Trauma & Their Connection to Eating Disorders: Insights from Dr. Timothy Brewerton - YouTube

9.         Brewerton TD: (13) Timothy Brewerton, M.D., interview on Eating Disorders and Obesity - YouTube

10.       Brewerton TD: (13) Eating Disorders and Childhood Trauma - YouTube

11.       Brewerton TD: (13) The Connection Between PTSD and Bulimia - YouTube

12.       Brewerton TD: (13) Using Food to Self-medicate and Alter Consciousness - YouTube

13.       Brewerton TD: (13) Understanding the Dire Consequences of Eating Disorders - YouTube

14.       Brewerton TD: (13) Treating Food Addiction without Perpetuating Dieting and Diet Culture - YouTube

15.       Brewerton TD: (13) Food Addiction is Real - YouTube

16.       Brewerton TD: Episode 43: Dr. Timothy Brewerton: Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse - Eating Disorders Catalogue (

17.       Brewerton TD: The Psychopharmacology of Feeding and Eating Disorders - Psychopharmacology Institute

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